
About the Fruit Forest

Fruit Forest Logo

The team at the Fruit Forest is passionate about growing rare, unusual and heritage (heirloom) fruits, herbs and vegetables. In season, we offer many varieties.


The orchards, herb gardens and vegetable patches of the Fruit Forest are situated on the picturesque Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia. Famous for its orchards and vineyards, the Peninsula is nestled between the calm waters of Port Phillip Bay and Western Port Bay.

Here you can find beautiful beaches, up-market wineries and restaurants, scenic walks, mazes and lush gardens, markets and farm gates where fresh, local produce is sold. The region is particularly well-suited to growing apples, pears, figs and stone fruit.

Winner of the National Gold Medal for our produce.

‘Terroir’ is the idea that fruits have a taste unique to the location where they are grown; a sense of place. These days, this ‘somewhereness’ is eagerly sought by chefs, food media and the food trade, and increasingly by gourmet diners in the know.
Anyone can grow a peach, but no-one can grow a tangy Fruit Forest red-fleshed peach outside the Fruit Forest, or a honey-sweet Fruit Forest fig outside the Mornington Peninsula’s famous fruit-producing Red Hill ward.

delicious. Produce Awards Winner

Within Mornington Peninsula Shire there is considerable diversity of climate, soil types, rainfall and altitude as well as the usual variations in topography, which give each orchard site its unique ‘terroir’ characteristics. The Fruit Forest’s location in the Red Hill ward of the Shire gives it the perfect terroir for fruit growing.

We are proud to be among the State Winners, and now the National Winners, of the delicious. Harvey Norman Produce Awards, in recognition of our fruit.

The Bountiful Mornington Peninsula


Click here to download the official Mornington Peninsula Wine, Food and Farmgate Trail Map.

The Shire also provides an official touring map here.

Blackwood Permaculture

The Fruit Forest highly recommends Blackwood Permaculture for edible garden design, fruit tree pruning and care, and garden consultation and maintenance. Blackwood Permaculture is based on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria. Their motto is “Creating and Maintaining Edible Masterpieces”. You can visit their website here.

We also use and recommend the professional landscaping and garden maintenance services of Berryman Gardens.

Old Fruit Forest logo
Our old logo!