
Our Range of Rare, Unusual & Heritage Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs

red-fleshed peachesRed-fleshed peaches

Also known as ‘Peche de Vigne’, they ripen in late summer (late February to early March).

figsHeirloom/Heritage Figs

We have around 40 varieties, including previously ‘lost’ figs. Ripening in autumn.


– ripe throughout the warmer months.

purple tomatilloPurple Tomatillo

– ripens in autumn. The classic flavour of Mexican salsa.


– In the same genus, Artemisia,  as the source of the famous aromatic oil in the green liquor ‘Absinthe’. Yomogi leaves are an essential Japanese flavouring ingredient and green food colouring. It wilts quickly after being picked so we also offer it air-dried.

yuzu-ganache-3Yuzu Lemon

– this rare citrus fruit is highly prized in Japanese cuisine.


– its leaves produce a black food colouring popular in Vietnamese dishes. It wilts quickly after being picked so we also offer it air-dried.

lemon drop chilliLemon Drop Chili

The Lemon Drop Chilli is a hot, citrus-like, lemon-flavored chilli pepper which is a popular seasoning in Peru, where it originates.

strawberry guavaStrawberry Guava

The Strawberry Guava is a sub-variety of the Peruvian Guava. This cherry-sized fruit (sometimes labelled ‘Cherry Guava’) is a beautiful dark red when fully ripe and has a tart flavour reminiscent of plum and strawberry, with a spicy hint of cinnamon or nutmeg.

yellow cherry guava Yellow Cherry Guava

The Yellow Cherry Guava is sometimes called the Lemon Guava or (confusingly) the Yellow Strawberry Guava. It is similar in size. Its skin is golden all over, and the flavour can be compared to a mix of passionfruit and lemon; sweet and a bit acidic. It is generally somewhat sweeter than the Strawberry Guava.


“Medlars taste a little bit like autumn leaves with hints of cloves and cinnamon…. It’s a really different taste, unusual, not sweet. I am falling in love with it.”
A favourite fruit of King Henry VIII, medlars are making a comeback!

Feijoa_GALLERY_IMAGE_0Feijoas (Pineapple Guavas)

Unbelievably delicious – sweet, perfumed and tasting like fresh fruit salad. Feijoas can be used in many ways. They can simply be eaten fresh, made into wine, added to fresh fruit salads or cooked in puddings and cakes.


Beautiful to look at, delicious to taste. Eat tamarillos fresh, stewed with sugar and ice-cream, or in baked goods. Highly recommended!

indexChampagne Fruit

Related to the pawpaw, this is an attractive torpedo shaped fruit with effervescent flesh – hence the name “champagne fruit”.
The fruit is seedless  and tastes of strawberry, papaya, kiwi and pineapple. The smooth, golden skin can be eaten. The texture of the flesh is light and refreshing.

papaya2Mountain Papaya

The flavour is elusive – fresh and subtle, a little like pineapple, strawberry, and orange together. A great favourite in South America – try this unusual fruit!

bloody_corn_close_upCorn of Many Colours

Corn (Zea mays) is also known as maize. In addition to being delicious, nourishing and fun to grow, corn, particularly the coloured varieties, is highly ornamental; cobs can be dried and used as decorations in the home.

Brazilian Starfish ChiliBrazilian Starfish Chilies

Spectacularly ornamental and tasty as well!